Symposium Registration
Sponsorship Registration
April 16, 2024
11:00 am – 2:30 pm
Cascades Manor House
Sponsorship Opportunities
Gold Symposium Sponsor
Table for eight (8), ½ page ad in program, Resource Table, Program listing: $300.
Includes 8 foot Resource Table staffed by two representatives providing information about services. Resource Table should be staffed for one hour before and up to an hour after the presentation. LWVJA will provide a covered table and 2 chairs. Nothing political will be allowed on display nor any noise or activity that will obstruct activity nearby. TABLES AVAILABLE ON FIRST COME FIRST SERVED BASIS.
Silver Symposium Sponsor
Half table for four (4) plus ¼ page ad in program: $150.
Advertising Opportunities
- Back cover, inside back cover or inside front cover ($350)
- Full page ad in program ($300)
- Half page ad ($200)
- Quarter page ad ($150)
Please contact Mary Lee Clark at or 517-740-5679.