Trivia Week 4
Isabella Van Wagener was the legal name of this African American abolitionist and women’s right activist, but we know her better by the name she used to write the influential speech “Ain’t I A Woman?” What is that name?
Sojourner Truth
Additional Information
Sojourner truth was born into slavery at the end of the 18th century but managed to escape. She became a famed evangelist and first gave the “ain’t I a woman” speech at the Ohio women’s rights convention in 1851. She said, “if the first woman god ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside down all alone, these women together ought to be able to turn it back, and get it right side up again! And now they is asking to do it, the men better let them.”
Vanessa Yankelove
- Gift Certificate to Bella Notte Restaurant
- Donated by Friends of the Carnegie Library, the book: “Elizabeth Bacon Custer and the Making of a Myth” by Shirley Leckie
Questions and answers from previous weeks are available to review by clicking here.
- On March 1, 2020